Aaarsh Dwivedi

Aaarsh Dwivedi

(tom avilius)

A university fresher who loves to write
code and poems.

Aaarsh Dwivedi

I am a student in my final school year. My passion towards computers and language has driven me to write code and poems. I have worked on a number of projects that use html, css, javascript and python. I've been sharing my poems on pinterest and via various publications. You may also find me using my pen name, 'tom avilius' in a number of my works.

Vita graphia

I started my journey towards coding when I was in 7th standard by purchasing the book, 'A First Course in Programming with C'. Although I did not study the C language in depth, it did introduce me to the marvellous world of coding. Understanding that coding is a relentless journey, I went on to Udemy to complete courses on html, css, javascript, python and git along with other courses having varying degrees of completion.


I have developed various desktop applications with the splash project being my best effort.

See my work


I have created multiple websites (including this) to introduce and represent me and my work to the masses.

See my work


I have been an avid writer, writing poems and sending them to various publications.

See my work

Alongside coding, I developed my poetic skills from expressing love to exploring mystique and nature. This eventually led me into maintaining journals where I would write poems, paraphrases, stories and express ideas. It gives comfort and time to reflect upon myself as a personal niche which it was up until recently when I started sending my poems to various publications and sharing them on the internet

Contact Me

I would love to hear you out. You can communicate directly to me using the contact me button below.